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Monday, September 8, 2008

Beef & Broccoli Stir Fry

The secret of this recipe is... I use left over grilled steak sliced very thin and yes! Beer. (sorry chicken broth works as a sub if you don't have beer)

First of all, I get a wok out and set it on Med heat and add Vegetable oil.

I cut up broccoli about 4 cups and place in wok stir them with a wood spoon and add 2 packets of splenda sugar (best sugar in the world) and place 1 1/2 tablespoons of garlic paste. Gently tossing add about 2 tablespoons of soy sauce and pour in 1 cup of beer (choice Bud light lime) Stir fry coating each in sauce in the bottom by gently stirring. Ok, Add beef and keep tossing gently. Now push everything up the sides of the wok so the middle is just sauce and about 2 tablespoons of corn starch.
mix only in the center of wok and if it appears too lumpy add more beer and 2 more spenda sugar packets. Stir in center of pan til cornstarch is dissolved. Mix all the ingredients in the pan gently til broccoli is well coated. Can I say this has the best flavor. Serve, may add more soy sauce if too sweet but I think it is perfect.

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